Master Any Lighting Setup With The Help Of set.a.light 3D


Sal Cincotta invites you into his world of boudoir photography with a twist – natural light. In this exclusive insight, Sal unveils his secrets to capturing captivating boudoir scenes using nothing but the ambient light that surrounds us.


In this video we talk about why a DSLR might be a smarter purchase than a mirrorless camera for people getting into photography from a smartphone. Or those that already have a street camera like the x100 and want to ad an interchangeable lens system.

Oliphant Studio

What's the first thing you notice when you look at a portrait? The subject, right? While most of us are drawn to the person, there's another part of the photo that plays a pretty big role: the background. When iconic brands like Vogue, Vanity Fair, and Dior need a backdrop, they call Sarah Oliphant.

Steve Arnold unveils a hidden gem nestled within Adobe Photoshop, capable of transforming mundane images into captivating masterpieces with just three simple steps. In a world where vibrant colors and high contrasts dominate the digital landscape, it's intriguing to discover a feature that promises to redefine photo editing in a revolutionary way.

Today, we embark on a quest to unravel the mysteries of Rembrandt lighting—a timeless approach that has adorned the works of masters throughout history. Sal Cincotta delves into the nuances of this classic technique and discovers how it can elevate your portraits to new heights of artistry and expression.

Embarking on a voyage into the enchanting realm of still life photography, we uncover the meticulous craftsmanship behind creating compositions that defy gravity. In this tutorial, we unveil the secrets of mounting subjects to conceal their support, unlocking the potential for mesmerizing imagery that transports viewers to a realm where the ordinary becomes extraordinary.

In this behind-the-scenes video, join Ab Sesay as he photographs a stunning mock jewelry campaign on a model. Watch as our talented host captures the beauty and elegance of the jewelry pieces, and gives you tips and techniques to product photography.


When it comes to capturing compelling portraits, mastering the art of posing is essential. However, many find it particularly challenging when it comes to posing guys who aren't professional models. Taylor Willard, an experienced photographer, shares insightful tips to help you confidently pose non-model guys and capture stunning portraits that exude natural charm and confidence.

Using this Photoshop tutorial, Mark McGee makes eyes sparkle in 3 steps and enhance catchlights with the power of curves, masks and blend modes. H makes the eyes shine with dramatic detail and improve the iris exposure to give them a twinkle!

In the dynamic world of photography, where every click competes for attention, it's not uncommon to encounter images that fail to leave a lasting impression. Renowned photographer Sean Dalton delves into the nuances of captivating photography, unveiling common pitfalls and offering invaluable advice for photographers striving to elevate their work.